Data Sharing Privacy Policy

Under the General Data Protection Regulations of 2018 (GDPR) we are obliged to inform you of how your personal information is processed and protected.

The full policy can be viewed here:

Alternatively, please ask at Reception for a paper copy.

Data Sharing Privacy Policy

An important update about the sharing of your medical information had been announced by NHS Digital called GPDPR. GP Surgeries have a legal obligation to comply with this data sharing exercise.

It is important that you are aware what sort of data is shared, why it is shared, and importantly how you can opt out of sharing your data should you wish to.

The timeframe for registering your decision to opt out of data sharing is limited (23rd June 2021) before the GPDPR comes into action on 1st July 2021. It will be presumed you are happy for your data to be shared unless you specifically opt out.

To find out more please read theh following privacy notice about GPBPR, this includes information about opting out:…/general…/gp-privacy-notice

To opt out please complete a Type 1 Opt-out form and return it to the Practice available here:…/type-1-opt-out…