
As a practice we regularly review our appointment capacity and the type of appointments we offer.

We are very proud that we now have a large proportion of our appointments as ‘Face to Face’ appointments and that these are available to be pre-booked by patients without the need to speak to a GP first. We also still offer telephone consultations to those patients that prefer them and when appropriate to do so.

Our aim is to offer a routine pre-bookable appointment to patients within 14 days from the point of contact.

For patients who have an urgent medical need, we ask that they contact us by telephone and our experienced reception team will organise for our Duty Clinician to make contact that day if appropriate. This may not be with your clinician of choice.

We are excited to now have the support of two Paramedics at our surgery who work alongside our Duty Doctors on a Monday and Thursday. We are also involved in GP and advanced nurse practitioner training.

To help us provide and utilise our appointments as much as possible we ask patients to let us know when they are not able to attend their appointment or no longer need it so that it can be offered to somebody else.

Listed below are the various ways in which you can make an appointment depending on your needs.