Our Practice Nurses aid Patients with queries and health advice including chronic disease management, wound management, and child health immunisations and travel vaccinations. Our Practice Nurses are responsible for all of our Diabetic Care reviewing patients following their blood tests and liaising with our Doctors regarding any changes that are needed.
Our Health Care Assistants work alongside Practice Nurses to carry out blood tests, blood pressure checks, Chronic Disease monitoring, ECG’s, Fitting of 24hr ECG’s and BP’s, NHS Health Checks, provide lifestyle and stop smoking advice as well as being able to administer some vaccinations.
Mrs Clare Brant (f) Senior Practice Nurse Clare’s specialist interests are in Diabetes and COPD. |
Mrs Maggie Roberts (f)
Mrs Jenny Docking (f)
Mrs Emily Harrison (f)
Mrs. Louise Mitchell (f) Louise joined us in August 2023. Louise previously worked in the community and has an interest in wound care. |
Healthcare Assistants
Mrs Rachel Bradley (f) Mrs Tina Glover (f)
Mrs. Julie Cowsill (f) Julie joined us in 2021
Mrs. Helen Glendinning (f) Helen joined us in 2023 |